Meeting of minds
At AllArtNowLab/ Stockholm, Sweden
Meeting of minds The Artists: Areej Almansory - Isabel Lofgren - Katarina Eismann - Nisrine Boukhari - Sandi Hilal - Valeria Montti Colque Curator : Abir Boukhari. About the Project: Under the pressure of the revolutionary wave that shook Europe at the end of the First World War , the Riksdag approved universal and equal suffrage for women and men on the 24th of May 1919 . In 2019 , Sweden will celebrate 100 years of giving women the right to vote ; this important date inspired me to start a project with female artists in " Meeting of Minds " . | invited six female artists from different cultural backgrounds . Some of them arrived at a new home in Sweden ; others were born in exile or have a transcultural history . It is an invitation to meet , talk , and exchange ideas about their own experiences as female artists , how they investigate the feminist - related concepts in their artworks as well as the subject of migration In my project , I am focusing on the experience of feminist visual practices concerning migration and exile as personal experiences . In linking the terms " art , feminism and migration " , we open a discussion about the imbalanced - seeming relations to refugee representations and push for an approach that captures the daily details of displacement and emplacement in refugee lives , how you could have transcultural personality and to become part of more than one society .